On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 02:40:47AM +0000, l l9l wrote:
> However, what I am really wondering is what is the most standard subnet 
> length that always can be guaranteed through Internet. less than /24 bit ?

        while one can get away w/ /24s (if that is all one has) for many places,
        I suspect that there will be increasing pressure to drop more specific
        /24s as folks routing tables grow.

        your question, "...length that can be guaranteed through the Internet." 
        argues for fairly short netmasks, e.g.  a /16 is likley to be accepted
        by most folks while very short masks, e.g.  /8 or smaller are likly to
        be seen with some level of consideration since so very few prefixes of 
        that size are likely to be origin-sourced (often proxy aggregates from
        transit parties)...

        as others have pointed out - this "acceptable" value is fluid, changing 
        over time and variable between ISPs.  Creating a static policy is likely
        to be flawed.

--bill (crawling out from under his rock, blinking in the bright lights)

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