You've given me lots to think about ! Thanks for all the input so far.

A few queries for the replies if I may. My brain is whirring.

Chris: You're right and I'm tempted. I've almost had my arm twisted to go
down the proprietory route as I have some Cisco experience but have become
pretty familiar with Quagga and tc.

David: May I ask which NICs you use in the IBM boxes ? I see the Intels
recommended by Mike have dual ports on one board (the docs say "Two complete
Gigabit Ethernet connections in a single device • Lower latency due to one
electrical load on the bus").

Patrick: That's what I was hoping to hear :) It's not the world's biggest

Michael: Thanks very much. We have three upstreams. I guess 2GB of RAM would
cover many more sessions.

Eugeniu: That's very useful. The Intel dual port NICs mentioned aren't any
good then I presume (please see my comment to David).

Thanks again,


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