
        I have a client who prior to me settled into a non-carrier-neutral
facility. They were approached this week for "DoS/DDoS protection" which
they could buy in X Mb/s, 2xX Mb/s or 4xX Mb/s scrubbing solutions.

        Maybe I've been out of the running my larger Managed Server
Hosting Company too long, but wasn't the "non-elegant" solutions
something ISPs just "did"? Was it only DoS, and when it comes to 
DDoS they tell you its just too much to handle. And blocking how many
netblocks does an ISP consider "too many" before it tells the client
there is only so much it can do for them? Do people tell/give clients
their own solutions? (Like Zebra boxes that'll inject BGP into their

        They wanted me to come up with 3 reasons FOR the service,
3 against, and what I felt was a fair market value for this. I just need
to know if people still did that type of stuff for each other or if 
everything costs nowadays....

                Thanks, Tuc/TBOH

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