Joe Abley wrote:
This is straying far from network operations, but I think 911 generally engenders an unnecessary degree of hysteria. As I suggested before, the marketing of this fear from certain quarters has apparently been quiet effective.

The probability of any single individual needing to call 911 is already minute. The probably that all available cell and VoIP services also won't work precisely at the moment that a 911 call needs to be made is even smaller.

  We haven't really had a major catastrophe where we've been totally
  dependent on IP yet, AFIAK. Maybe all of the qos, call gapping and
  the rest of the stuff the TDM networks do to deal with disasters
  will be left in the dustbin of Moore's Law, but maybe they won't. One
  thing is certain: we'll definitely find out one day, and it's not
  likely to be from a position of having taken the precautions,
  congratulating ourselves IMO.


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