On Dec 4, 2008, at 12:20 PM, Wayne E. Bouchard wrote:
That the old ILECs are having problems due to the fact that few if any
of them know how to run a decent business is not exactly news. IMO, it
might be best if some of them were finaly placed in the position of
figuring out how to come into the 21st century and actually compete
for business.

Having finally broken away from the local ILEC and moved to more fertile grounds, I can concur with the above. Concentration these days seems to be on maximizing profit and bonuses for execs while stripping away every possible expense so the books look good and make the company more desirable. One of their latest schemes was to give away additional lines to customers, pumping up the overall access line count. From what I can tell, a higher access line count increases the "worth" of the company.

New technology, or, rather, a mandate for new technology was there, but without a decent budget, there is no way to even come close to meeting that mandate. And that's where they remain today. Unfortunately, I think in the end, the company will be sold and the execs will get their big bonuses, but that seems to be the way of things these days.

But I agree with Alex... If we have another poorly run group of
businesses pleading for tax payer money, I think I'm gonna have to go
somewhere and lose my mind for a few days.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they started begging for a cut. I think everyone these days has bailoutitis.. I'll gladly take a cut.. I'm easy, though. A few million will surely carry me through the next few years.. :)


Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold

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