> In the same way that in the UK, appliance manufacturers have 
> been educating people about the analogue terrestrial TV 
> switchoff by 2012, do you think that we should be advocating 
> a 'internet PLUS day' some time in (date plucked from the air) 2014 ?

Actually, the Internet PLUS day should be tied to some other event,
say the London 2012 Olympics. That would be a kind of launch event
for a lot of people to make IPv6 services available. Then, a few years
after this, we could have an Internet version 4 eulogy event and
get a lot of ISPs to shut off legacy IPv4 services. That would have
to be 2016 or later and it wouldn't be like the analog TV shutoff,
because it would not be a 100% shutoff.

I think that technical people underestimate the impact that this
type of an event can provide. While we want to avoid being forced
into a flag-day switchover, that does not mean that a flag day is
all bad. We could have the Internet PLUS flag day in order to
raise awareness and give ISPs a target to shoot for.

--Michael Dillon

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