HRH Sven Olaf Prinz von CyberBunker-Kamphuis MP wrote:

> as for "peering" agreements, just implement an open peering policy
> (doesn't nessesarily have to take place over an ix, also applies to pieces
> of ethernet running from your network to others).
> those basically are contracts that force anyone who has also signed one to
> peer with your network, wether they like you or not (saves the trouble
> when you are a content provider and others do not want to peer with you
> because they provide content too and you are a competing party etc).

It is not practice in this community for 'open peering policy' to mean 'must
peer with anyone'. You might still refuse to peer on the basis that the other
party is unreliable or run by idiots, and this is perfectly acceptable even
with an advertised open peering policy.

Nor does such a statement create any form of contract or obligation under any
law I am aware of, as such an indicative offer does not fulfill the
requirements to form a binding contract.

Any device which has REQUIRED e.g. participants in an IX to peer with others
has proved very unpopular in the industry.

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