Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the
following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results.

Apologies for cross-postings.

============== ICNS 2009 | Call for Papers ===============


ICNS 2009, The Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services
April 21-25, 2009 - Valencia, Spain

General page:
Call for Papers:

Important deadlines:

Submission (full paper)  November 1, 2008
Authors notification December 5, 2008
Registration December 20, 2008
Camera ready  December 25, 2008

Submissions will be peer-reviewed, published by IEEE CS Press, posted in IEEE
Digital Library, and indexed with the major indexes.

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:

Please note the Poster Forum special submission with on progress and challenging

ICNS 2009 Area Tracks are the following (details in the CfP on site):

ENCOT: Emerging Network Communications and Technologies
COMAN: Network Control and Management
SERVI: Multi-technology service deployment and assurance
NGNUS:  Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Services
MPQSI: Multi Provider QoS/SLA Internetworking
GRIDNS: Grid Networks and Services
EDNA: Emergency Services and Disaster Recovery of Networks and Applications
IPv6DFI: Deploying the Future Infrastructure
IPDy: Internet Packet Dynamics
GOBS: GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks


- ICNS General Chair

Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

- ICNS 2009 Industry Chairs

Kevin Y Ung, Boeing, USA
Leo Lehmann, OFCOM, Switzerland
Francisco Javier Sánchez, Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF),

- ICNS 2009 Technical Program Committee Chair

Giancarlo Fortino, Università della Calabria, Italy
Salvador Sales, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Feng Xia, Queensland University of Technology, Australia / Zhejiang University,

- ICNS Advisory Chairs

Wojciech Burakowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Vicente Casares, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Petre Dini, Cisco Systems, Inc., USA / Concordia University, Canada
Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong - Kowloon, Hong Kong
Manuel Sierra-Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain



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