>> Vixie, Conrad, Manning, Woodcock, Curran, Plzak, Ed Lewis, etc all
>> worked together at ARIN, and have had 22 ARIN employees attend NANOG,
>> including the ARIN executive secretary. ARIN is giving NANOG $50,000
>> checks, even though the Board members have undisclosed conflicts of
>> interest.  ARIN resource analysts have (and probably are now)  
>> attending NANOG. The resource analysts are the guys who make
>> allocation decisions, so getting chummy with NANOG people is a
>> conflict of interest in the making. So far, I've discovered two cases
>> where ARIN has made allocations in 2 hours.
>       Didn't you get banned temporarily from this list, then banned
>for life + 5 years, your children and grandchildren also banned for
>their lives + 5 years once before for all this?

I was never temporarilly banned. I was banned in 2000 so that I couldn't
gloat that the CFAA applied to ISPs. See

Looks like someone messed up. ;-)


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