On 11 Oct 2008, at 16:22, Steve Church wrote:

Beavis aka John Lopez:
I, for one, am glad you're interested in stopping the abuse at its source.
Thank you.

Steve Linford:
why not ACL the source at your router or at whatever device is being
Mr. Lopez is contributing to the welfare of the net as a whole by addressing the cause, rather than applying a bandage locally to lessen the symptom. I sincerely hope your dismissive advice is not characteristic of Spamhaus policy regarding abused hosts, considering the mission statement at the top
of your homepage.

Steve Church

OK, you don't know much about Spamhaus. Dealing with network abuse issues is what we do 24/7. John Lopez contacted my privately and I've given him the address of TurkTelekom's security guy, but the reality of things is that today is a Saturday and tomorrow is a Sunday, unless TurkTelekom's guy is working weekends (unlikely) ACL'ing the source is not just an advisable option but is probably until Monday the only option.

  Steve Linford
  The Spamhaus Project

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