Bad idea,

The rogue government would use hospitals and power stations, to "cyber
human shield" against the counter attack.

You guys are living in cloud cuckoo land. The rogue government
wouldn't have their bot nets in home computers that you could shut
down easily.

Read my rant about it all with the link below that I typed in May 2008
to stop the "Afcyber" idea going through.

All the best,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tony Patti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 5:20 PM
Subject: - Homeland Security seeks cyber counterattack system
(Einstein 3.0)
To: "" <>

I presume this CNN article falls within the "Internet operational and
technical issues" (especially security) criteria of the NANOG AUP,
in terms of "operat[ing] an Internet connected network",
especially where Chertoff refers to " like an anti-aircraft weapon,
shoot down an [Internet] attack before it hits its target".

Homeland Security seeks cyber counterattack system

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- First, there was "Einstein," the federal
government's effort to protect itself from cyber attacks by limiting
the number of portals to government computer systems and searching for
signs of cyber tampering.

Then Einstein 2.0, a system now being tested to detect computer
intrusions as they happen.

And in the future? Perhaps Einstein 3.0, which would give the
government the ability to fight back.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Friday said he'd like
to see a government computer infrastructure that could look for early
indications of computer skullduggery and stop it before it happens.

The system "would literally, like an anti-aircraft weapon, shoot down
an attack before it hits its target," he said. "And that's what we
call Einstein 3.0."

At a meeting with reporters to highlight National Cyber Security
Month, Chertoff reiterated his belief that the government should
aggressively defend its computer systems, saying that terrorists, if
they gain expertise already available to others, would "cause
potentially very serious havoc" to government systems.

"Let's make the investment now rather than wait until there's a huge
catastrophe," he said.

But despite his emphasis on the risks posed, Chertoff said the
government is moving slowly to avoid stepping on the toes of the
private sector as it addresses calls to reorganize the governance of
cyberspace to provide accountability and authority.

"I think the question of what is the government's role in cyberspace
in general needs to be discussed among all the stakeholders, because
there is a culture of cyberspace that is an open architecture," he
said. "And I think if we just came in and said we want to take it
over, there'd be, understandably, a considerable amount of discomfort
with that."

"We are deliberately going slowly because we recognize that the issue
of government involvement in the Internet is fraught with all kinds of
potential concerns and potential anxieties about not having the
government have a big-foot impact on an area of communication and
commerce that has traditionally been viewed as really independent and

Chertoff said the government is "feeling our way to what is the right
mix of government involvement with protecting the Internet in the
private domain while preserving everybody's comfort level that we're
not going to be in their business in a way that would be

Asked if he envisioned a world with two cyberspaces, he said he
envisions a world with "a lot of different levels of security and
trust, depending upon the nature of what it is that you're doing."

"We already have that now, in the sense that we have classified
systems which are walled off from unclassified systems," he said.
The Bush administration released its National Cyber Security
Initiative in January. The "most immediate component" of it from the
Department of Homeland Security's perspective, Chertoff said, is to
increase security for federal government computer systems.

But another priority is to work with the private sector to address
threats to businesses. This includes not only protection from hackers,
but also from counterfeit parts, which an individual or another nation
could use to create vulnerabilities in the United States, he said.
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Tony Patti
S. Walter Packaging Corp.

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