Other cable systems predated FLAG (at least for voice).

SEA-ME-WE predates FLAG by almost a decade. I'm sure some digging would reveal a bit more on that path either submarine or terrestrial.


On 15/09/2008, at 11:06 AM, Joe Abley wrote:

On 14 Sep 2008, at 19:41, Jean-François Mezei wrote:

Did western europe ever really have a primary route via the USA to reach
asia  ?

Yes, I think so. If I remember correctly, before FLAG started laying cables, there was no terrestrial route to Asia from Europe that didn't involve North America.


Matthew Moyle-Croft Internode/Agile Peering and Core Networks
Level 4, 150 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Web: http://www.on.net
Direct: +61-8-8228-2909              Mobile: +61-419-900-366
Reception: +61-8-8228-2999        Fax: +61-8-8235-6909

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