CWDM filter bandpass is wide to allow for drifting optics. Anything
within about 7nm of 1530/1550 should work fine. I've got some optics
near 34 and 59 on order to do exactly that in a bidir single fiber
arrangement. I'll report back my results.

On 9/7/08, Bradley Urberg-Carlson, VISI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 20:50:46 -0400
>    Robert Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    > The only affordable CWDM 10G system I have seen although I haven't
>    used it yet
>    > is a single 10G band at 1310 or 1550 with 8 additional 2.5G bands
>    around it.
>    I've wondered if one could shoot with DWDM 10G optics into two channels
>    of a CWDM mux.  For example, by connecting DWDM channel 359 (center
>    1530.33 nm) and 334 (center 1550.12 nm) to the 1530/1550 filters of a
>    CWDM mux with 20nm spacing (+/- 6.5nm pass band).  Might that support
>    1x10gig + 3x1gig on a single strand, or 2x10G + 6x1G on a pair?  (and
>    no, I haven't tried it).
>    Bradley

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