Sorry for the confusing as-paths, folks. As it happens, the AS174
update-group that my upstream was peered within stopped transporting
updates sometime yesterday. A Cogent engineer was able to fix what
appears to be an IOS bug shortly after I sent my note yesterday.


On 9/7/08, Patrick W. Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 7, 2008, at 8:16 AM, Andrew D Kirch wrote:
>> Brandon Butterworth wrote:
>>>>> Anton's post that GX is still providing them transit is a bit
>>>>> curious, since
>>>>> I was under the impression GX had severed all ties with Atrivo.
>>>>> But the
>>>>> table does not lie, a path of "174 3549 27595" is clearly
>>>>> transit.  GX, care
>>>>> to comment?
>>>> After poking for a bit, it's unclear what, if anything, GX is or
>>>> isn't
>>>> doing here.
>>> Does it matter? The implication of this thread is the imposition of
>>> an
>>> internet death penalty on this AS.
>> I vote yea.
> Seconded.  (Thirded?)
> --
> patrick

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