it was real.  (I still ahve some 3c503's with the problem :)
 this is one reason why it is so important to be able to override the MAC.

On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 10:53:28AM -0400, Scott Berkman wrote:
> This reminds me of a story I was told a while back that there was a batch
> of 3com NIC's that all went out with the same MAC from the factory.  I
> never found out if that was a rumor/urban legend or the truth.  Anyone
> know firsthand or have an article about that?
>       -Scott
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert E. Seastrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 10:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Fwd:] Nvidia NICs with duplicate mac addresses
> Forwarded to NANOG in the interests of wider awareness...  having been
> there and torn out my already scarce hair, duplicate MAC addresses can
> really mess up your day...
> ---
> Just when you thought this couldn't happen any more...
> Copying from a different email list...
> mac address 04:4b:80:80:80:03, was showing up in multiple places  
> across the network. I googled the mac address and discovered that  
> other people are having the same issue with this mac address. Below  
> are some links describing the problem:
> I just wanted everyone to know about this problem in case you run  
> across similar slow "connectivity" issues. I believe the network card  
> is made by NVIDIA.

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