On 9/3/08 1:04 PM, "Winders, Timothy A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 9/3/08 12:59 PM, "Jason Fesler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I agree, it's not the "right way to do things".  Running a mail server used
>>> to be much easier.  Volunteers to help set things up "the right way" are
>>> always welcome.  :-)
>> Supporting those clients who can't connect is cheaper or more accessible
>> for you?
> At this point, yes.  We offer SSL/VPN connections back into the network which
> (so far) has always fixed the problem if the client is unable to work with
> their ISP to get smtp settings for their email program.
> It's a matter of resources and priorities.  I'd also like to setup an
> automated provisioning server, but don't know how to do that.
> There are many projects "in the wings".  Registering students and making sure
> they can pay for classes always seems to bubble to the top, though.  ;-)
> Of course, this is getting a bit off topic for NANOG, so I'll stop there.
> Tim Winders | Associate Dean of Information Technology | South Plains College

This thread has inspired me to get off my duff and "get it done".  I now
have a properly working MSA running on port 587 requiring authentication.  A
few updates to user documentation and we'll be setup and running.

Thanks for the kick in the pants.  :-)

Tim Winders | Associate Dean of Information Technology | South Plains

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