I would ignore it

Any real challenge against the domain (assuming it's .cnobi) and you'll be hearing from either WIPO or the national arbitration forum and your registrar ( plus your domain will have placed on registrar hold)

I see all kinds of strange domain related spams and scams coming out of Asia, I think they're all the same outfit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2008, at 10:40 AM, Jim McBurnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey folks,
I have a customer that owns a domain and has owned it for years.
Out of the blue they got an email from Asia Internet Network Information Center. They claim to be an approved Domain name dispute resolution committee member.
When I researched it:   http://www.adndrc.org/adndrc/index.html
They do not appear to be "approved".

Has anyone had dealings with them?
Currently I am pushing this to ICANN and Network Solutions (domain registrar).



Jim McBurnett
Senior Network Engineer
Thomas Glover Associates, Inc.
864-473-1200 x 106 office
864-641-5863 Cell

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