Hello everyone,

Just a friendly reminder!

Nominations for the NANOG Steering Committee, are due by Tuesday, 9th

If you have not yet nominated someone and wish to do so, or if you have
been asked to serve and have not yet accepted, please do so as soon as
you can by sending a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please refer to the 2008 elections page at
http://www.nanog.org/elections08.html for more information.


Tue 2008-08-12  Call for Nominations issued
Tue 2008-09-09  Last day for SC Nominations to be received
Sun 2008-10-12  Voting for the 2008/2008 NANOG SC opens at Noon PDT
Tue 2008-10-14  Voting for the 2008/2009 NANOG SC closes at 1 pm PDT

Best wishes,

Philip Smith
(on behalf of the NANOG Steering Committee)

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