Once upon a time, Robert E. Seastrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Is anyone else seeing issues with multiple copies and delayed
> originals for SMSes on the AT&T network?  I've been seeing this
> behavior for about the past 24-36 hours.

We still have a monitoring system submitting messages via TAP, and AT&T
started failing there as well about the same time.  The TAP number we've
been using returns busy most of the time and rejects most (but not all)
messages when you do get connected.

As near as we could tell, AT&T doesn't support TAP, so we've been
looking at alternatives (like a GSM modem).  However, if the problem is
AT&T, I guess we might hold off.

Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

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