* Joe Greco: > I am very, very, very disheartened to be shown to be wrong. As if 8 days > wasn't bad enough, a concentrated attack has been shown to be effective in > 10 hours. See http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/09/technology/09flaw.html
Note that the actual bandwidth utilization on that GE link should be somewhere between 10% and 20% if you send minimally sized replies during spoofing. In fact, the theoretically predicted time for 50% success probability for 100mbps attacks is below one day. This also matches the numbers posted here: <http://tservice.net.ru/~s0mbre/blog/devel/networking/dns/2008_08_08.html> > 1) Use of multiple IP addresses for queries (reduce success rate somewhat) You must implement this carefully. Just using a load-balanced DNS setup doesn't work, for instance. The attacker could trigger the cache misses through a CNAME he controls, so he'd know which instance to attack in each round. > 2) Rate-limiting of query traffic, since I really doubt many sites actually > have recursers that need to be able to spike to many times their normal > traffic, The problem with that is that 130,000 queries over a 10 hour period (as in Evgeniy's experiment) are often lost in the noise. Only if the authoritative servers are RTT-wise close to your recursor, the attacker benefits from high query rates. > 3) Forwarding of failed queries (which I believe BIND doesn't currently > allow) to a "backup" server (which would seem to be interesting in > combination with 2) I don't think any queries fail in this scenario. > 4) I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to change the advice for large-scale > recursers to run multiple instances of BIND, internally distribute the > requests (random pf/ipfw load balancing) to present a version of 1) that > would render smaller segments of the user base vulnerable in the event of > success. It would represent more memory, more CPU, and more requests, > but a smaller victory for attackers. User-specific DNS caches are interesting from a privacy perspective, too. But I don't think they'll work, except when the cache is in the CPE. > 5) Modify BIND to report mismatch QID's. Not a log report per hit, but some > reasonable strategy. Make the default installation instructions include > a script to scan for these - often - and mail hostmaster. Yes, better monitoring is crucial. Recent BIND 9.5 has a counter for mismatched replies, which should provide at least one indicator. Due to the diversity of potential attacks, it's very difficult to set up generic monitoring. > 6) Have someone explain to me the reasoning behind allowing the corruption > of in-cache data, even if the data would otherwise be in-baliwick. I'm > not sure I quite get why this has to be. It would seem to me to be safer > to discard the data. (Does not eliminate the problem, but would seem to > me to reduce it) The idea is that the delegated zone can introduce additional servers not listed in the delegated zone. (It's one thing that gets you a bit of IPv6 traffic.) Unfortunately, it's likely that performance would suffer for some sites if resolver > 7) Have someone explain to me the repeated claims I've seen that djbdns and > Nominum's server are not vulnerable to this, and why that is. For DJBDNS, see: <http://article.gmane.org/gmane.network.djbdns/13371> Nominum has published a few bits about their secret sauce: <http://nominum.com/news_events/security_vulnerability_update.php> TCP fallback on detected attack attempts is expected to be sufficiently effective so that you can get away with a smaller source port pool. Even if it's not, on some platforms, a smallish pool is the only way to cope with the existing load until you can bring in more servers, so it's better than nothing. The TCP fallback idea was posted to namedroppers in 2006, in response to one of Bert's early drafts which evolved into the forgery resilience document, so it should not be encumbered. The heuristics when to trigger the attack could be, though.