I can point it to a colo'd resolver I have elsewhere - but opendns is
rather more redundant.  Yes I know what else it does re advertising
and such, but I dont do any sensitive work related stuff through those
resolvers anyway.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Skywing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you don't mind OpenDNS proxying all your Google searches, sure.  < 
> http://blog.metasploit.com/2008/07/on-dns-attacks-in-wild-and-journalistic.html
>  >
> Personally, I would never use OpenDNS.  Tactics like that are not 
> particularly acceptable in my book, well-meaning or not.  Not, however, 
> trying to start a political debate - but OpenDNS does do a bit more than just 
> act as a plain DNS resolver for you, and you should make that aware to anyone 
> who uses it.

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