On Mon, 28 Jul 2008, William Waites wrote:

Surprising because, Cogent (or Telia, but from what you say here, looks like Cogent), presumably put themselves in a breach of contract position with their (end-user or stub AS) customers who one would imagine have bought "Internet service" from them. Given that they have some reasonably big/important customers it is surprising that they would take that risk, and even more surprising that it didn't bite them too hard. By maybe I am just easily surprised.

But, AFAICT, Cogent has done this before and even combined it with the publicity stunt of offering free peering to any single-homed Level3 customer for a year.

Tier 1 means you don't buy transit, no?

Maybe a slightly revised definition of Tier 1 is in order -- a provider that doesn't buy transit and doesn't sell to end-users or stub systems.

I don't know that you'll find a Tier 1 that doesn't sell to end-user networks. It's kind of what they do. Once you start buying transit, all the bigger networks probably figure they can get you to "pay us too."

 Jon Lewis                   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
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