> - -- "Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Not sure if anyone has seen yet, but there is a 2nd
> >exploit being circulated. I just picked it up on metasploits
> >SVN trunk....
> I haven't seen that one yet, but I just ran across this:
> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/6123
> - - ferg
        Sorry, block from the new one :

Exploit ID:     CAU-EX-2008-0003
Release Date:   2008.07.23
Title:          bailiwicked_domain.rb
Description:    Kaminsky DNS Cache Poisoning Flaw Exploit for Domains
Tested:         BIND 9.4.1-9.4.2
Attributes:     Remote, Poison, Resolver, Metasploit
Exploit URL:    http://www.caughq.org/exploits/CAU-EX-2008-0003.txt
Author/Email:   I)ruid <druid (@) caughq.org>
                H D Moore <hdm (@) metasploit.com>


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