If they assign .local, they will break the default for AD, especially SBS, Apple Rendezvous, anything using mDNS/Zeroconf, and a lot of other "local significance only" uses of DNS, or, which is more likely, the domains in .local will find themselves unresolvable from a very large portion of the Internet.
.local should be reserved. > -----Original Message----- > From: Tony Finch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:21 PM > To: Jon Kibler > Cc: NANOG list > Subject: Re: ICANN opens up Pandora's Box of new TLDs > > On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, Jon Kibler wrote: > > > > Well, I guess this shoots in the foot Microsoft's name server best > > practices of setting up your AD domain as foo.LOCAL, using > the logic > > that .LOCAL is safe because it cannot be resolved by the > root name servers. > > .local is also used by MDNS. (Nice interop problem there.) > > Tony. > -- > f.anthony.n.finch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://dotat.at/ ROCKALL > MALIN: CYCLONIC BECOMING SOUTHWESTERLY 5 OR 6, OCCASIONALLY 7 > AT FIRST. MODERATE OR ROUGH, OCCASIONALLY VERY ROUGH. RAIN OR > THUNDERY SHOWERS. > MODERATE OR GOOD, OCCASIONALLY POOR. > >