> that's exactly my point! it's _not_ reliable, but it's the behavior > that the average user has come to expect. If we can't even guarantee > reliability with the small handful of TLDs currently in use, when we > start introducing arbitrary new ones to anybody that can pay, I'm > concerned that it's going to make user support even more of a headache > (for those of us unfortunate enough to be involved in that role, > professionally or personally :)) > -- > [EMAIL PROTECTED],darkuncle.net} || 0x5537F527 > http://darkuncle.net/pubkey.asc for public key
It's amusing to see companies actually profit from this behavior. The poker gambling sites know they can't advertise on TV as a gambling site, so everyone of their ads mention *.net which is their play for free site. They know that a major of people will instead go to their *.com website which isn't a free site.