On 24/06/08 01:04, Martin Barry wrote: > $quoted_author = "Bernard Becker" ; >> Looking for recommendations for carrier neutral co-lo facility for Melbourne >> Australia. Our searches so far seem to turn up sites either on Telstra or >> Optus affiliated co-lo facilities. We need to be in a carrier neutral space >> with access to any of the major providers. > > This was created by a SAGE-AU member in response to a similar request. > > http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=117984623075363696099.000439d39e1c7bd8d46c2&ie=UTF8&z=12
In addition to those there's the PIPE and AAPT http://www.pipenetworks.com/Telehousing/locations.shtml http://aaptbusiness.com.au/business/products/Hosting/Co2DlocationServices.cfm?o=214 Both are ISP's, but have extensive cross connections. We currently use AAPT (10+ racks in Richmond), and I've previously used Global Center and been happy with both.