On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> when was the last time you saw this prefix reachable?
> i dont see anything announced from comcasts allocation within the
> past 2 weeks...

FYI: Internally within Comcast it does route:

$ mtr --report -c 1
HOST: blue                        Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1. linksys                       0.0%     1    0.9   0.9   0.9   0.9   0.0
  2. c-24-98-192-1.hsd1.ga.comcas  0.0%     1    7.3   7.3   7.3   7.3   0.0
  3. ge-2-5-ur01.a2atlanta.ga.atl  0.0%     1    8.0   8.0   8.0   8.0   0.0
  4. te-9-1-ur02.a2atlanta.ga.atl  0.0%     1    6.0   6.0   6.0   6.0   0.0
  5. te-9-3-ur01.b0atlanta.ga.atl  0.0%     1    6.5   6.5   6.5   6.5   0.0
  6.                  0.0%     1    6.4   6.4   6.4   6.4   0.0
  7. po-15-ar01.b0atlanta.ga.atla  0.0%     1    7.6   7.6   7.6   7.6   0.0
  8. te-4-1-cr01.atlanta.ga.cbone  0.0%     1    9.0   9.0   9.0   9.0   0.0
  9. te-1-1-cr01.charlotte.nc.cbo  0.0%     1   11.8  11.8  11.8  11.8   0.0
 10. te-1-1-cr01.richmond.va.cbon  0.0%     1   19.5  19.5  19.5  19.5   0.0
 11. te-1-1-cr01.mclean.va.cbone.  0.0%     1   24.0  24.0  24.0  24.0   0.0
 12. te-1-1-cr01.philadelphia.pa.  0.0%     1   25.6  25.6  25.6  25.6   0.0
 13. be-40-crs01.401nbroadst.pa.p  0.0%     1   26.5  26.5  26.5  26.5   0.0
 14. be-50-crs01.ivyland.pa.panjd  0.0%     1   28.8  28.8  28.8  28.8   0.0
 15. po-10-ar01.verona.nj.panjde.  0.0%     1   41.7  41.7  41.7  41.7   0.0
 16. po-10-ar01.eatontown.nj.panj  0.0%     1   33.5  33.5  33.5  33.5   0.0
 17. po-10-ur01.middletown.nj.pan  0.0%     1   34.4  34.4  34.4  34.4   0.0
 18. po-10-ur01.burlington.nj.pan  0.0%     1   48.0  48.0  48.0  48.0   0.0

-Jim P.

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