> > Verizon provides ipv6 connectivity according to their website. > > I mentioned this on another list, but if anybody has tried to actually > turn the words referred to above into service, I would be very happy > to hear about how they did it. > > > At&t most likely does as well. > > The last time I attempted to buy 7018 transit I specified that I > needed v6, and the answer was "yes, we can do that". But when it came > to placing an order, the reaction swiftly changed to "oh, no, actually > we can't".
No comment on either Verizon or AT&T since we don't buy transit from them. However, we *do* buy transit from Global Crossing, and have had IPv6 (native, non tunneled) transit from them since at least 2004. Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [EMAIL PROTECTED]