To help clarify what has happened with the mail lists.

The message below was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tuesday, May 20 and was blocked from delivering to the nanog mail list. It was caught as a pending message to be approved for delivery to the nanog list. It was marked as Defer and was accidentally deleted.

After the 24 hour notice the subject tag and the footers to the nanog mail list were removed.

The archives for nanog, nanog-futures and nanog-announce are now currently available publicly:

The information pages for each of the lists can be found:

There are links to the archives on their respective information pages. Also there are links to the old archives on the information pages. Note that nanog-announce was never archived in the past because the messages were always archived on the nanog list.

If you have any questions, please send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sue Joiner
Merit Network

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [NANOG-announce] email subject tags and footers
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 09:02:58 +1000
From: Philip Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Cisco Systems

Hi everyone,

Following the discussion on nanog-futures, we'd like to let you all know
that the [NANOG] in the subject line and the three extra info lines
mailman appends will be dropped from all future messages going to the
NANOG list, starting in around 24 hours from now.

If any of you have you changed your <> e-mail filtering
to depend on the [NANOG] subject tag, please consider this 24 hours
notice to move to another message filtering technique.

Best wishes,

(for the SC)

NANOG-announce mailing list

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