On Thu, 15 May 2008 09:46:05 -0400
Jared Mauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 15, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> > I've found that using SSL for all my SMTP and IMAP transactions
> > and not entering personally identifying information into non-SSL
> > web pages greatly reduces the amount of harvesting results I see.
> >
> > As to Charter, I opt out by simply not purchasing anything from
> > them. It seems to work far better than bothering with their silly
> > cookie process.
> I think that's fine and all, but there are people where choice
> doesn't exist.
> I would chose FIOS (or a fios-like service) for my home internet.   
> That choice does not exist.
> Verizon has not built that infrastructure in my state, nor does it  
> appear they have any plans to.
> Where choice does not exist, and there is no high-speed duopoly to  
> choose between, what would you do?  Build your own infrastructure a  
> few miles at a cost of $2-50+/foot?
The other day, the Wall Street Journal ran a brief piece on VPN
providers...  The threat they had in mind was wireless hotspots, but
any sort of on-link evil can be dealt with that way.

                --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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