You first, mister chicken-with-his-head-cut-off.

What's your plan?

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 1:51 PM, Mike Leber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since nobody mentioned it yet, there are now less than 1000 days projected
> until IPv4 exhaustion:
> Do you have an IPv6 plan?
> How long do you think it will be until Sarbanes Oxley and SAS 70 auditors
> start requiring disclosure of IPv4 exhaustion as a business continuity
> risk, as well as the presence or lack thereof of an IPv6 plan?
> When do you plan on telling your customers?  (afterwards?)
> Ahhh, you don't have any customers that have to plan to buy equipment 2
> years in advance.  Ok, I understand.
> Mike.
> ps. 1000 days assumes no rush, speculation, or hoarding.  Do people do
> that?
> pps. Of course these are provocative comments for amusement.  :)
> ppps. Or not if you don't have any kind of IPv6 plan.  Sorry, sorry...
> +----------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -----------------+
> | Mike Leber         Wholesale IPv4 and IPv6 Transit       510 580 4100 |
> | Hurricane Electric     Web Hosting  Colocation                 AS6939 |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
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> NANOG mailing list

Would you like a little bit of legal advice?
NEVER let a scientist use the words "unanticipated" and "immediate" in the
same sentence.
Okay? Okay.
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