On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Marc Manthey wrote:

> i am not a math genious and i am talking about for example serving
> 10.000 unicast streams and
> 10.000 multicast streams
> would the multicast streams more efficient  or lets say , would you
> need more machines to server 10.000 unicast streams ?
For 10000 concurrent unicast streams you'd need not just more servers. 
You'd need a significantly different network infrastructure than something 
that would have to handle only a single multicast stream.

But supporting multicast isn't without it's own problems either.  Even the 
destination networks would have to consider implementing IGMP and/or MLD 
snooping in their layer 2 devices to obtain maximum benefit from 

Antonio Querubin
whois:  AQ7-ARIN

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