On Apr 22, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Marc Manthey wrote:

> Am 22.04.2008 um 16:05 schrieb Bruce Curtis:
>>  p2p isn't the only way to deliver content overnight, content could
>> also be delivered via multicast overnight.
>> http://www.intercast.com/Eng/Index.asp
>> http://kazam.com/Eng/About/About.jsp
> hmm sorry i did not  get it IMHO multicast ist uselese  for VOD ,
> correct ?
> marc

   Michael said the same thing "Also note that IP multicast only works  
for live broadcast TV." and then mentioned that p2p could be used to  
download content during off-peak hours.

   Kazam is a beta test that uses Intercast's technology to download  
content overnight to a users PC via multicast.

   My point was p2p isn't the only way to deliver content overnight,  
multicast could also be used to do that, and in fact at least one  
company is exploring that option.

   The example seemed to fit in well with the other examples in the  
the thread that mentioned TiVo type devices recording content for  
later viewing on demand.

   I agree that multicast can be used for live TV and others have  
mentioned the multicasting of the BBC and www.ostn.tv is another  
example of live multicasting.  However since TiVo type devices today  
record broadcast content for later viewing on demand there could  
certainly be devices that record multicast content for later viewing  
on demand.

Bruce Curtis                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Certified NetAnalyst II                701-231-8527
North Dakota State University

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