We've been working on this for about a week, we are in touch with some network folks at Bell but I'd like to see if this is something a bit more widespread than domains hosted on our nameservers. (We have had a report of similar behavior from another DNS host)

At any rate, what it looks like to us is that customers using Bell SMB outbound mail servers, possibly other outbound mail servers on Bell (Nexxia, Sympatico?) to destination domains whose NS are hosted on our nameservers seem to have the MX record *ignored* and the mail is delivered to the A record for the domain.

We also suspect that it happens when the MX record points at a host back inside the Bell network/address space.

Is anybody else noticing this?


Mark Jeftovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Founder / President, easyDNS Technologies Inc.
Company Website: http://www.easyDNS.com
I ramble pointlessly from my blog:  http://www.PrivateWorld.com

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