Communication of rules is fair... I was criticizing the "net
neutrality" argument.  They should communicate the rules, I agree.

On 10/19/07, Justin M. Streiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, John C. A. Bambenek wrote:
> > Since when did private companies no longer have the right to regulate
> > their own property?
> I don't know that anyone would disagree with their right to do so, but if
> there are usage limits, those limits should be made known to the user
> community.  I'm sure Comcast has ways to communicate TOS updates to their
> user base - mass email, stuff a letter in peoples' cable bills, etc...
> How would you react if you were pulled over for speeding on a road that
> had no posted speed limit?
> jms

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