On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Daniel Senie wrote: > BTW, thanks for bringing this thread back to the question of creating > demand for IPv6. There's plenty of anti-NAT activity on other > threads. Some constructive discussion over ways to create incentives > to deploy IPv6 is worthwhile. The most common argument for deployment > of IPv6 is fear, as in "the sky is falling." Yeah, we all heard that, > and have for a decade. Got it. Now, is there some POSITIVE reason to > push IPv6? Fear is not a positive force.
Ok, I'll bite and throw out a wacky idea I've been mulling over. As the data at http://bgp.he.net/ipv6-progress-report.cgi shows for the IPv6 and IPv4 nameserver tests, some of the time IPv6 connectivity is *faster* than IPv4 connectivity (66 out of 264 test cases), because of network topology differences due to different peering and transit relationships between IPv4 and IPv6. So you could write a download accelerator for your browser that checked IPv6 vs IPv4 connectivity and used whichever was faster. With only 3 percent of neworks running IPv6 this idea is a little early, still it would be a hilarious browser plug-in. You could imagine it might even have a little "IPv6 accelerator" icon that shows up in your status bar when you've switched on the nitro. (hehehe, shaving off that extra few ms of latency, yo!) Mike. +----------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -----------------+ | Mike Leber Wholesale IPv4 and IPv6 Transit 510 580 4100 | | Hurricane Electric Web Hosting Colocation AS6939 | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://he.net | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+