On 10/2/07, Brian Raaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Actually, a > better way to push IPv6 is make users want it and feel like they are missing > out if they don't have it. I campaign with some kind of slogan like 'got > IPv6' or "I've got ultra high tech IPv6 for my internet and you don't" with a > web url like www.getipv6.com (oops, some domain squatter already registered > it).
Brian, I offer you two words: Ford Edsel. It doesn't matter how clever you make the marketing campaign if on finding out what the product actually is the customers decide they don't want it. > This all boils down to simple economics.... supply and demand. As far as I can tell, IPv6 is at least theoretically capable of offering exactly two things that IPv4 does not offer and can't easily be made to offer: 1. More addresses. 2. Provider independent addresses At the customer level, #1 has been thoroughly mitigated by NAT, eliminating demand. Indeed, the lack of IPv6 NAT creates a negative demand: folks used to NAT don't want to give it up. This community (network operators) has refused to permit #2, even to the extent that its present in IPv4, eliminating that source of demand as well. Regards, Bill Herrin -- William D. Herrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3005 Crane Dr. Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004