[ vijay] > I guess people are still spectacularly missing the real point. The point > isn't that the latest generation hardware cpu du jour you can pick up from > the local hardware store is doubling processing power every n months.
agreed. > The point is that getting them qualified, tested, verified, and then > deployed is a non trivial task. We need to be substantially behind moores > observation to be economically viable. I have some small number of route > processors in my network and it is a major hassle to get even those few > upgraded. In other words, if you have a network that you can upgrade the RPs > on every 18 months, let me know. yow. while i agree that routing processors cannot, and have historically not had to, track moore's law, i am still surprised to see such a heavy focus on the RP. my (ample) gut feeling on this is that system level (combinatorial) effects would limit Internet routing long before moore's law could do so.