Well, the fact still remains that operating a datacenter smack-dab in
the center of some of the most inflated real estate in recent history
is quite a castly endeavor.
I really wouldn't be all that surprised if 365 Main cut some corners
here and there behind the scenes to save costs while saving face.

As it is, they don't have remotely enough power to fill that facility
to capacity, and they've suffered some pretty nasty outages in the
recent past. I'm strongly considering the possibility of completely
moving out of there.


On 7/24/07, Patrick Giagnocavo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 24, 2007, at 6:54 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> I have a question: does anyone seriously accept "oh, power trouble"
> as a reason your servers went offline? Where's the generators? UPS?
> Testing said combination of UPS and generators? What if it was
> important? I honestly find it hard to believe anyone runs a
> facility like that and people actually *pay* for it.

Sad that the little Telcove DC here in Lancaster, PA, that Level3
bought a few months ago, has weekly full-on generator tests where
100% of the load is transferred to the generator, while apparently
large DCs that are charging premium rates, do not.


Patrick Giagnocavo

Jonathan Lassoff
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