Maybe I'm missing something as I'm not the smartest guy on this list, but 
what exactly did this prove?  ISP's aren't going to start handing out home 
connections at 40G per or even 1G.  The best pipe they can use between 
ISP's is probably going to be the same 40-G blade so even at 500M per they 
would only be able to sell a few million of these before they run out of 
bandwidth.  Even as a selling  point there are only a few (relatively) 
companies in the world that could make us of such a beast and if cisco (or 
Juniper) hasn't called all of them and asked if they want to trade in that 
ONS contraption for DWDM and IP in one box they are missing something. 
Although, a picture of Peter Lothberg in his mothers basement standing 
next to a CRS-1 and maybe 8am Margera would make a better commercial than 
the one with the kids. 

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