On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,134159-c,internetlegalissues/article.html
> Note that this is based on their interpretation of EU law.
and a hearty 'good luck' to them... :( I suppose someone could point the
Belgian's over to the Panamanians (who tried to block VoIP, thanks C&W
PTT for that 'fun'). Hurray, more clue- legislation... On the good side I
suppose it's nice to see 'phonographs' being protected along with them new
fangled CeeDees and DeeVeeDees. With a penalty of only 3400 USD/day after
6 months it's going to take a while before it's cost effective to comply
(given a decent DPI solution is still hundreds of thousands of
dollars/gigabit)... Oh, and how does this all work with the 'current' crop
of BitTorrent clients that encrypt all transmissions?
Probably not the end of the interweb, just the end of sanity for some poor
ISP lawyer types in belgium :(