Matthew Black wrote:

What would you do if a major US computer security firm
attempted to hack your site's servers and networks?
Would you tell the company or let their experts figure
it out?

matthew black
network services
california state university, long beach

I'd contact the chiefs of the company in order to assess
what actually happened. Define attack. If its an IP based
attack, would be difficult to prove unless it was ongoing
as spoofing could play a role. It could turn out to be
something as trivial as said company ending up with a
machine they own which was compromised and used as an
attack vector... I've seen it happen to a few companies.

Personally, I would seek out the CSO, Senior IT personnel,
and follow that route.

J. Oquendo
echo|sed 's/^/sil@/g'
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." -- Plato

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