On Tue, 29 May 2007, Donald Stahl wrote:

> >> That said- ARIN is handing out /48's- should we be blocking validly
> >> assigned networks?
> >
> > your network might have to to protect it's valuable routing slots. There
> > are places in the v4 world where /24's are not carried either. So, as Bill
> > said just cause you get an allocation doesn't mean you can assure
> > routability of it everywhere.
> I understand the problems but I think there are clear cut cases where
> /48's make sense- a large scale anycast DNS provider would seem to be a
> good candidate for a /48 and I would hope it would get routed. Then again
> that might be the only sensible reason...

vixie had a fun discussion about anycast and dns... something about him
being sad/sorry about making everyone have to carry a /24 for f-root
everywhere. I think there is a list of 'golden prefixes' or something,
normally this is where Jeroen Masseur jumps in with GRH data and


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