On 2024-06-21 09:44, Jan Eden via Mutt-users wrote:

> Hi,
> I noticed that non-ascii characters in recipient names become garbled
> recently (in Mutt 2.2.13, installed via Homebrew):
> "Basi´c, P." <addr...@recipient.name>
> becomes
> "Basi´c, P." <addr...@recipient.name>
> The effect is not visible when composing the message in mutt, but in the
> sent message (in the Sent mailbox), so it is not caused further down the
> road (e.g. by an MTA).
> What could have caused the change?

Additional info: Messages sent earlier contained the header in the
following form:

 To: =?utf-8?B?QmHFoWnEhyw=?= P. <addr...@recipient.name>

And now the header looks like this:

 To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Basi=B4c=2C?= P. <addr...@recipient.name>

So for some reason, mutt seems to have switched from using utf-8 to
iso-8859-1 for encoding, and I cannot figure out why it did. This
affects not only headers, but the mail body, too.

- Jan

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