Dear Jakub, Jakub Jindra via Mutt-users (2023/07/31 08:50 +0200): > I remember replying to a similar post on Unix Stackexchange in the past: >
That sounds like a very cool starting point, thanks! AIUI it uses MSMTP as an intermediate queuing system. I'm guessing that the system can be made so that eachmessage, based on its id, has a different scheduled send time. The thing I am not sure about with such a setting is what the date of the message willbe. For me, it should be the date when the message is sent, not the date when I really wrote it. BTW perhpas it's possible to use Mutt's postponed folder as the local queue. Say a cron dameon scans this directory regularly. It should deal only with messages that have a special header saying they are enqueued. Another header says at which date they should be sent. If that date has arrived then the script strips these two headers and runs mutt normally to send themessage. Sometiing like that. Best wishes, Seb.