Le 02-06-2023, à 17:33:24 +0530, Bhaskar Chowdhury a écrit :

How could I do?

How about running it on every month end, so you don't have to run it like for
whole year

That could also be an approach.

(that was you were trying, right?)

Right. I have so many files that I just wanted to make some room now. I
can live with a couple of months of files also (did that for many

If you want to keep only the 1st date pdf and remove rest of days in month
pdfs then you can simply do so , by doing

~d02/month/year-30/month/year ...likewise for the month having 31 days too.

Yes, obvious when I think about it. But I didn't want to do that for
every months of every year. So solution by Ofer is clearly very handy.

You can easily create an macro to bind it to a key to invoke that,so you
don't have to remember the syntax.


Not sure, if it solve your owes. Or probably I misread your need.

No you didn't, thank you very much.



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