Jason <elect...@emypeople.net> wrote on Tue, 18 Apr 2023
at 22:18:55 EDT in <20230419021855.7mdssofxkkngo...@abcmailbox.net>:

> I just did. It dumped the plain text file into the new message body
> below the original body text. Not what I want, but admittedly it's

Tangentially, but relatedly, I sometimes wonder at this.

I cannot forget the painful memory of when a person sent me a multimegabyte 
database file (CSV?) and I hit 'r' and replied and said Thanks without looking 
at the quoted message, and had no idea that the entire database file was quoted 
at the bottom of my message.

Well, I noticed it was taking a little more time to actually send than normal, 
and then I was horrified to discover it.

I'm not sure whether this suggests this is a default in need of attention or 
clever heuristics (not that mutt is big on this) or what...

John Hawkinson

> not very often that there would be a plain text attachment.

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