Hello Anton,

I wrote:

> > I want to connect using imap with an gmail account which I hear requires
> > some additional security steps these days.
> > [...]
> For me gmail with mutt via imap to read and smtp to send works fine.
> Some time ago i created "app password" via gmail web interface and it
> works just perfect since approximately 6 months that way.

What are the steps to get this additional gmail "app password" for use as
"secret_app_password" in muttrc?


> >
> > Has anyone info/experience about such a mutt imap gamil connection 
> > possibility?
> >
> here is relevant snippet from my .muttrc:
> # Smtp settings for gmail sending {
> set smtp_url = "smtps://anton.sharo...@smtp.gmail.com"
> set smtp_pass = "my_very_secret_app_password"
> # }
> # gmail imap specific {
> set ssl_starttls=yes
> set ssl_force_tls=yes
> set imap_user = "anton.sharo...@gmail.com"
> set imap_pass = "my_very_secret_app_password"
> set spoolfile = imaps://imap.gmail.com/bSpool
> # gmail imap specific }
> i have configured via gmail web interface a filter to assign a label
> "bSpool" to every incoming mail. That way, working with them in mutt
> allows me to just delete messages, which i read, via mutt - and gmail
> removes the label "bSpool" from them as a result. At the same time all
> messages are still kept on server labeled potenially somehow differently
> (my labels were configured long ago before i started to use mutt, and i
> like to keep all messages in my gmail box anyway to access them from
> other devices).
> i saw as well recommendation to use:
> set spoolfile = imaps://imap.gmail.com/INBOX
> and suspect it will really delete messages from gmail server if you
> delete them from within mutt - but it was never my goal and i never
> tested such possibility.
> Hope that helps, Anton


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