On 31Mar2023 10:11, void <v...@f-m.fm> wrote:
Hello Cameron, I've replied in-line

This is the way.

I use an hcache. On persistent storage, which is an SSD for me. My
"python" folder has 157000 messages in it and opening mutt on it and
then closing it just took about 20 seconds including eyeballing the top
line to read the message count. This mutt was built with tokyocabinet,
which I expect is used for the hache (nothing else would have any use
for it).

I'd recomment lmdb in your context if you need persistent storage. Have been v impressed with lmdb.

I've actually been using it in another project pretty happily. But I haven't done any comparitive benchmarks.

I also have thousands of emails spread across different folders. My context is using a rpi4b (8GB) with
usb3-connected hard drive.

Ah, so the drive itself is probably pretty slow? Rust or SSD?

Right now, with $tmpdir pointing to a tmpfs
mount, and with hcache still pointing to the HD, (and with a zfs
filesystem), mutt is veru useable and quick even on this limited

Impressed. I'll try to make some time to built a mutt using lmdb.

I keep an hcache per mail folder, I think because I once read somewhere that only one mutt gets to use the hcache and I sometimes have a few mutts around, sometimes on the same folder but usually different folders.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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