On 22Feb2023 21:53, Francesco Ariis <fa...@ariis.it> wrote:
I have this macro I use inside mutt to download new messages from
various mailboxes.
macro generic \e0 '<shell-escape>bash -ic "k echo Checking...; agm; agmnu; agmsoc; agmpec;
echo over"<enter><check-new>'
When I call it in `browser` menu, everything is fine.
But when I call it in the `index` something strange happens; once the
bash command has finished running I find myself in vim (my $EDITOR) as if
I had pressed ‘e’ (“edit the raw message).
The <check-new> function doesn't work in the index menu. From section
13.2 of the manual:
Outside the index menu the directory browser supports checking for
new mail using the <check-new> function which is unbound by default.
I'm not sure what's actually going on for you specificly.
I know I've got a bunch of core macros and shims for this kind of
context dependent functionality, eg this disabled pair:
#macro index,pager ,x "<pipe-message>mailunpack -d ~/"
#macro attach ,x q,x
or this:
macro index ,D ":set
macro pager ,D "q,D"
or this:
macro pager ";" "q;"
Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>